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DNA barcoding of invasive plants in China: A resource for identifying invasive plants
Xu, Song-Zhi; Li, Zhen-Yu; Jin, Xiao-Hua
AbstractInvasive plants have aroused attention globally for causing ecological damage and having a negative impact on the economy and human health. However, it can be extremely challenging to rapidly and accurately identify invasive plants based on morphology because they are an assemblage of many different families and many plant materials lack sufficient diagnostic characteristics during border inspections. It is therefore urgent to evaluate candidate loci and build a reliable genetic library to prevent invasive plants from entering China. In this study, five common single markers (ITS, ITS2, matK, rbcL and trnH-psbA) were evaluated using 634 species (including 469 invasive plant species in China, 10 new records to China, 16 potentially invasive plant species around the world but not introduced into China yet and 139 plant species native to China) based on three different methods. Our results indicated that ITS2 displayed largest intra- and interspecific divergence (1.72% and 91.46%). Based on NJ tree method, ITS2, ITS, matK, rbcL and trnH-psbA provided 76.84%, 76.5%, 63.21%, 52.86% and 50.68% discrimination rates, respectively. The combination of ITS + matK performed best and provided 91.03% discriminatory power, followed by ITS2 + matK (85.78%). For identifying unknown individuals, ITS + matK had 100% correct identification rate based on our database, followed by ITS/ITS2 (both 93.33%) and ITS2 + matK (91.67%). Thus, we propose ITS/ITS2 + matK as the most suitable barcode for invasive plants in China. This study also demonstrated that DNA barcoding is an efficient tool for identifying invasive species.
KeywordDNA barcoding invasive plant species ITS/ITS2+matK molecular marker
Subject AreaBiochemistry & Molecular Biology ; Ecology ; Evolutionary Biology
Indexed BySCI
WOS IDWOS:000424112000012
Publication PlaceHOBOKEN
Funding OrganizationSTS Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences [ZSSD-018]
Corresponding Author Emaillizy@ibcas.ac.cn ; xiaohuajin@ibcas.ac.cn
Citation statistics
Cited Times:39[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Affiliation1.[Xu, Song-Zhi
2.Li, Zhen-Yu
3.Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Bot, State Key Lab Systemat & Evolutionary Bot, Beijing, Peoples R China
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Xu, Song-Zhi,Li, Zhen-Yu,Jin, Xiao-Hua. DNA barcoding of invasive plants in China: A resource for identifying invasive plants[J]. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES,2018,18(1):128-136.
APA Xu, Song-Zhi,Li, Zhen-Yu,&Jin, Xiao-Hua.(2018).DNA barcoding of invasive plants in China: A resource for identifying invasive plants.MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES,18(1),128-136.
MLA Xu, Song-Zhi,et al."DNA barcoding of invasive plants in China: A resource for identifying invasive plants".MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES 18.1(2018):128-136.
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