当前检索式 ((ALL:White, Shannon))
限定条件 ((收录类别:SCI) AND (作者:Boughton, Elizabeth H.) AND (作者:Bowman, William D.) AND (语种:英语))
Alatalo, Juha M. 2 Avolio, Meghan L. 2 Baldwin, Andrew H. 2
Bork, Edward W. 2 Boughton, Elizabeth 2 Bowman, William D. 2
Britton, Andrea J. 2 Cahill, James F., Jr 2 Collins, Scott L. 2
Du, Guozhen 2 Eskelinen, Anu 2 Gough, Laura 2
Grman, Emily 2 Hallett, Lauren M. 2 Houseman, Gregory R. 2
Isbell, Forest 2 Jentsch, Anke 2 Kern, Christel 2
Klanderud, Kari 2 Knapp, Alan K. 2