当前检索式 ((ALL:Wang, Yuan))
限定条件 ((出处:NEW PHYTOLOGIST) AND (语种:英语) AND (文献类型:期刊论文))
BBSRC Institute Stra 1 BBSRCUK Research & I 1 Centre of Excellence 1
China Scholarship Co 1 Chinese Academy of S 1 Chinese Academy of S 1
Chinese Academy of S 1 Chinese Academy of S 1 European Research Co 1
European UnionEurope 1 Fairy Lake Botanical 1 ForestGEO network of 1
Ghent University [BO 1 John Innes Centre 1 John Innes Foundatio 1
Joint Engineering an 1 Ministry of Agricult 1 Ministry of Science 1
National Basic Resea 1 National Key R&D Pro 1