当前检索式 ((ALL:Li))
限定条件 ((出处:PLANT CELL) AND (语种:英语))
National Natural Sci 4 CAS/SAFEA Internatio 2 Chinese Academy of S 2
Strategic Priority R 2 BBSRC [BB/V006665/1] 1 BBSRC [BB/V006665/1] 1
Beijing Outstanding 1 Bradley Catalyst Awa 1 China National Postd 1
China Postdoctoral S 1 China Postdoctoral S 1 Chinese Academy of S 1
Chinese Academy of S 1 Chinese Academy of S 1 Chinese Universities 1
Distinguished Young 1 Division Of Integrat 1 European Regional De 1
Fok Ying Tung Educat 1 Foundation for Innov 1