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The Genome of a Southern Hemisphere Seagrass Species (Zostera muelleri) 期刊论文
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 2016, 卷号: 172, 期号: 1, 页码: 272-283
Authors:  Lee, HueyTyng;  Golicz, Agnieszka A.;  Bayer, Philipp E.;  Jiao, Yuannian;  Tang, Haibao;  Paterson, Andrew H.;  Sablok, Gaurav;  Krishnaraj, Rahul R.;  Chan, Chon-Kit Kenneth;  Batley, Jacqueline;  Kendrick, Gary A.;  Larkum, Anthony W. D.;  Ralph, Peter J.;  Edwards, David
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