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Selaginella dianzhongensis ( Selaginellaceae) a new spikemoss from China 期刊论文
PHYTOKEYS, 2019, 期号: 118, 页码: 75-87
Authors:  Shalimov, Aleksandr Petrovich;  Zhu, Yan-Mei;  Zhang, Meng-Hua;  Zhang, Xian-Chun
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Lycophytes  Selaginella amblyphylla  taxonomy  Yunnan  rbcL  atpI  psbA  
A taxonomic revision of the genus Selaginella (Selaginellaceae) from Nepal 期刊论文
PHYTOKEYS, 2019, 期号: 133, 页码: 1-76
Authors:  Shalimov, Aleksandr Petrovich;  Wu, Yu-Dong;  Zhang, Xian-Chun
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Lycophytes  Nepalese flora  new records  taxonomy