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Temperature Sensitivity in Individual Components of Ecosystem Respiration Increases along the Vertical Gradient of Leaf-Stem-Soil in Three Subtropical Forests 期刊论文
FORESTS, 2020, 卷号: 11, 期号: 2
Authors:  Chi, Yonggang;  Yang, Qingpeng;  Zhou, Lei;  Shen, Ruichang;  Zheng, Shuxia;  Zhang, Zhaoyang;  Zhang, Zhenzhen;  Xu, Ming;  Wu, Chaofan;  Lin, Xingwen;  Jin, Jia
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climate change  leaf respiration  Q(10)  soil respiration  stem respiration  temperature acclimation  
CsIVP functions in vasculature development and downy mildew resistance in cucumber 期刊论文
PLOS BIOLOGY, 2020, 卷号: 18, 期号: 3
Authors:  Yan, Shuangshuang;  Ning, Kang;  Wang, Zhongyi;  Liu, Xiaofeng;  Zhong, Yanting;  Ding, Lian;  Zi, Hailing;  Cheng, Zhihua;  Li, Xuexian;  Shan, Hongyan;  Lv, Qingyang;  Luo, Laixin;  Liu, Renyi;  Yan, Liying;  Zhou, Zhaoyang;  Lucas, William John;  Zhang, Xiaolan
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