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The association of the Arabidopsis actin-related protein (ARP) 2/3 complex with cell membranes is linked to its assembly status but not its activation 期刊论文
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 2009, 卷号: 151, 期号: 4, 页码: 2095-2109
作者:  Simeon O. Kotchoni;  Taya Zakharova;  Eileen L. Mallery;  Jie Le;  Salah El-Din El-Assal;  Daniel B. Szymanski
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Palaeoenvironmental changes from pollen record in deep sea core PC-1 from northern Okinawa Trough, East China Sea during the past 24 ka 期刊论文
CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2009, 卷号: 54, 期号: 20, 页码: 3739-3748
作者:  HongYan Xu;  CHANG FengMing;  LUO YunLi;  SUN XiangJun
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DArT markers: diversity analyses, genomes comparison, mapping and integration with SSR markers in Triticum monococcum. 期刊论文
BMC GENOMICS, 2009, 卷号: 10, 期号: 10, 页码: 458-474
作者:  Hai-Chun Jing;  Carlos Bayon;  Kostya Kanyuka;  Simon Berry
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Actin Turnover Is Required for Myosin-Dependent Mitochondrial Movements in Arabidopsis Root Hairs 期刊论文
PLoS One, 2009, 卷号: 4, 期号: 6, 页码: e5961 1-14
作者:  Maozhong Zheng;  Martina Beck;  Jens Mu¨ller;  Tong Chen;  Xiaohua Wang;  Feng Wang;  Qinli Wang;  Yuqing Wang;  Frantisek Baluska;  David C. Logan;  Jozef Samaj;  Jinxing Lin
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Leaf-level plasticity of Salix gordejevii in fixed dunes compared with lowlands in Hunshandake Sandland, North China 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF PLANT RESEARCH, 2009, 卷号: 122, 期号: 0, 页码: 611-622
作者:  Hua Su;  Yonggeng Li;  Zhenjiang Lan;  Hong Xu;  Wei Liu;  Bingxue Wang;  Dilip Kumar Biswas;  Gaoming Jiang
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“Medieval Warm Period”on the northern slope of central Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, NW China 期刊论文
GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2009, 卷号: 36, 期号: L11702, 页码: 1-5
作者:  Yun Zhang;  Zhao Chen Kong;  Shun Yan;  Zhen Jing Yang;  and Jian Ni
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Large regional-scale variation in C3/C4 distribution pattern of Inner Mongolia steppe is revealed by grazer wool carbon isotope Inner Mongolia steppe is revealed by grazer wool carbon isotope composition 期刊论文
Biogeosciences, 2009, 卷号: 6, 期号: 5, 页码: 795-805
作者:  K. Auerswald;  M. H. O. M. Wittmer;  T. T. M¨annel;  Y. F. Bai;  R. Sch¨aufele;  H. Schnyder
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Proteomic Analysis of Oil Mobilization in Seed Germination and Postgermination Development of Jatropha curcas 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH, 2009, 卷号: 8, 期号: 3, 页码: 1441-1451
作者:  Ming-Feng Yang;  Yu-Jun Liu;  Yun Liu;  Hui Chen;  Fan Chen;  and Shi-Hua Shen
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Exploring the mechanism of Physcomitrella patens desiccation tolerance through a proteomic strategy 期刊论文
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 2009, 卷号: 149, 期号: 4, 页码: 1739-1750
作者:  Xiao Qin Wang;  Ping Fang Yang;  Zheng Liu;  Wei Zhong Liu;  Yong Hu;  Hui Chen;  Ting Yun Kuang;  Zhen Ming Pei;  Shi Hua Shen;  Yi Kun He
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A role for a cell wall localized glycine-rich protein in dehydration and rehydration of the resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica 期刊论文
PLANT BIOLOGY, 2009, 卷号: 11, 期号: 0, 页码: 837–848
作者:  Wang Lili;  Shang Haihua;  .Liu Y;  Zheng Maozhong;  Wu Renhua;  J.Phillips;  D.Bartels & Deng Xin
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