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The evolution of floral deception in Epipactis veratrifolia (Orchidaceae): from indirect defense to pollination 期刊论文
BMC PLANT BIOLOGY, 2014, 卷号: 14, 期号: 14, 页码: 63
作者:  Xiaohua Jin;  Zongxin Ren;  Song-zhi Xu;  Hong Wang;  De-Zhu Li;  Zhengyu Li
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Differential proteomic analysis of grapevine leaves by iTRAQ reveals responses to heat stress and subsequent recovery 期刊论文
BMC PLANT BIOLOGY, 2014, 卷号: 14, 期号: -, 页码: 110
作者:  Guo-Tian Liu;  Ling Ma;  Wei Duan;  Bai-Chen Wang;  Ji-Hu Li;  Hong-Guo Xu1;  Xue-Qing Yan;  Bo-Fang Yan;  Shao-Hua Li and Li-Jun Wang
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Differential proteomic analysis of grapevine leaves by iTRAQ reveals responses to heat stress and subsequent recovery 期刊论文
BMC PLANT BIOLOGY, 2014, 卷号: 14
作者:  Liu, Guo-Tian;  Ma, Ling;  Duan, Wei;  Wang, Bai-Chen;  Li, Ji-Hu;  Xu, Hong-Guo;  Yan, Xue-Qing;  Yan, Bo-Fang;  Li, Shao-Hua;  Wang, Li-Jun
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Cabernet sauvignon  Heat stress  iTRAQ  Photosynthesis  Proteomics  Recovery  
The evolution of floral deception in Epipactis veratrifolia (Orchidaceae): from indirect defense to pollination 期刊论文
BMC PLANT BIOLOGY, 2014, 卷号: 14
作者:  Jin, Xiao-Hua;  Ren, Zong-Xin;  Xu, Song-Zhi;  Wang, Hong;  Li, De-Zhu;  Li, Zheng-Yu
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Anther cap  Aphids  Floral mimicry  Hoverflies  Intermediate stage  Pollinator