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Proteome analysis for antifungal effects of Bacillus subtilis KB-1122 on Magnaporthe grisea P131. 期刊论文
WORLD JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2014, 卷号: 30, 期号: 6, 页码: 1763-1774
作者:  Caixia Zhang;  Xinxiong Zhang;  Shihua Shen
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Mechanism of Penicillium expansum in response to exogenous nitric oxide based on proteomics analysis 期刊论文
Journal of Proteomics, 2014, 卷号: 103, 期号: -, 页码: 47-56
作者:  Tongfei Lai;  Yong Chen;  Boqiang Li;  Guozheng Qin;  Shiping Tian
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黄栌属种质资源、栽培繁殖、化学成分、叶色调控研究进展 期刊论文
园艺学报, 2014, 卷号: 41, 期号: 9, 页码: 1833-1845
作者:  葛雨萱;  周肖红;  刘洋;  王亮生
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Toward understanding the ecological role of mucilage in seed germination of a desert shrub Henophyton deserti: interactive effects of temperature, salinity and osmotic stress 期刊论文
PLANT AND SOIL, 2014, 卷号: 374, 期号: 1-2, 页码: 727-738
作者:  Mustapha Gorai;  Wiem El Aloui;  Xuejun Yang;  Mohamed Neffati
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Bovine serum albumin in saliva mediates grazing response in Leymus chinensis revealed by RNA sequencing 期刊论文
BMC GENOMICS, 2014, 卷号: 15, 页码: 1126
作者:  Xin Huang;  Xianjun Peng;  Lexin Zhang;  Shuangyan Chen;  Liqin Cheng;  Gongshe Liu
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Analysis of the variation in scent components of Hosta flowers by HS-SPME and GC-MS 期刊论文
SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE, 2014, 卷号: 175, 期号: -, 页码: 57-67
作者:  Qian Liu;  Guofeng Sun;  Su Wang;  Qinwen Lin;  Jinzheng Zhanga;  Xiaodong Li
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De Novo Assembly of Expressed Transcripts and Global Transcriptomic Analysis from Seedlings of the Paper Mulberry (Broussonetia kazinoki x Broussonetia papyrifera) 期刊论文
PLoS One, 2014, 卷号: 9, 期号: 5, 页码: e97487
作者:  Peng Xianjun;  Teng Linhong;  Wang Xiaoman;  Wang Yucheng;  Shen Shihua
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Chitosan disrupts Penicillium expansum and controls postharvest blue mold of jujube fruit 期刊论文
FOOD CONTROL, 2014, 卷号: 41, 页码: 56-62
作者:  Wang, Liting;  Wu, Hao;  Qin, Guozheng;  Meng, Xianghong
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Chitosan  Jujube fruit  Penicillium expansum  Postharvest disease  Plasma membrane  
Analysis of the variation in scent components of Hosta flowers by HS-SPME and GC-MS 期刊论文
SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE, 2014, 卷号: 175, 页码: 57-67
作者:  Liu, Qian;  Sun, Guofeng;  Wang, Su;  Lin, Qinwen;  Zhang, Jinzheng;  Li, Xiaodong
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Hosta  Scent components  Linalool  HS-SPME  GC-MS  
Mechanism of Penicillium expansum in response to exogenous nitric oxide based on proteomics analysis 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS, 2014, 卷号: 103, 页码: 47-56
作者:  Lai, Tongfei;  Chen, Yong;  Li, Boqiang;  Qin, Guozheng;  Tian, Shiping
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Penicillium expansum  Nitric oxide  Two dimension electrophoresis  RT-PCR  Energy metabolism