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The Allometry of Coarse Root Biomass: Log-Transformed Linear Regression or Nonlinear Regression? 期刊论文
PLOS ONE, 2013, 卷号: 8, 期号: 10
作者:  Lai, Jiangshan;  Yang, Bo;  Lin, Dunmei;  Kerkhoff, Andrew J.;  Ma, Keping
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Scale-dependent relationships between tree species richness and ecosystem function in forests 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 2013, 卷号: 101, 期号: 5
作者:  Chisholm, Ryan A.;  Muller-Landau, Helene C.;  Abdul Rahman, Kassim;  Bebber, Daniel P.;  Bin, Yue;  Bohlman, Stephanie A.;  Bourg, Norman A.;  Brinks, Joshua;  Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh;  Butt, Nathalie;  Cao, Honglin;  Cao, Min;  Cardenas, Dairon;  Chang, Li-Wan;  Chiang, Jyh-Min;  Chuyong, George;  Condit, Richard;  Dattaraja, Handanakere S.;  Davies, Stuart;  Duque, Alvaro;  Fletcher, Christine;  Gunatilleke, Nimal;  Gunatilleke, Savitri;  Hao, Zhanqing;  Harrison, Rhett D.;  Howe, Robert;  Hsieh, Chang-Fu;  Hubbell, Stephen P.;  Itoh, Akira;  Kenfack, David;  Kiratiprayoon, Somboon;  Larson, Andrew J.;  Lian, Juyu;  Lin, Dunmei;  Liu, Haifeng;  Lutz, James A.;  Ma, Keping;  Malhi, Yadvinder;  McMahon, Sean;  McShea, William;  Meegaskumbura, Madhava;  Razman, Salim Mohd;  Morecroft, Michael D.;  Nytch, Christopher J.;  Oliveira, Alexandre;  Parker, Geoffrey G.;  Pulla, Sandeep;  Punchi-Manage, Ruwan;  Romero-Saltos, Hugo;  Sang, Weiguo;  Schurman, Jon;  Su, Sheng-Hsin;  Sukumar, Raman;  Sun, I-Fang;  Suresh, Hebbalalu S.;  Tan, Sylvester;  Thomas, Duncan;  Thomas, Sean;  Thompson, Jill;  Valencia, Renato;  Wolf, Amy;  Yap, Sandra;  Ye, Wanhui;  Yuan, Zuoqiang;  Zimmerman, Jess K.
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biodiversity  biomass  complementarity  determinants of plant community diversity and structure  productivity  sampling effects  species diversity  trees  
Multispecies coexistence of trees in tropical forests: spatial signals of topographic niche differentiation increase with environmental heterogeneity 期刊论文
作者:  Brown, C.;  Burslem, D. F. R. P.;  Illian, J. B.;  Bao, L.;  Brockelman, W.;  Cao, M.;  Chang, L. W.;  Dattaraja, H. S.;  Davies, S.;  Gunatilleke, C. V. S.;  Gunatilleke, I. A. U. N.;  Huang, J.;  Kassim, A. R.;  LaFrankie, J. V.;  Lian, J.;  Lin, L.;  Ma, K.;  Mi, X.;  Nathalang, A.;  Noor, S.;  Ong, P.;  Sukumar, R.;  Su, S. H.;  Sun, I. F.;  Suresh, H. S.;  Tan, S.;  Thompson, J.;  Uriarte, M.;  Valencia, R.;  Yap, S. L.;  Ye, W.;  Law, R.
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species coexistence  tropical forest  niche differentiation  neutral theory  spatial pattern  cross-pair overlap distribution  
The Amborella Genome and the Evolution of Flowering Plants 期刊论文
SCIENCE, 2013, 卷号: 342, 期号: 6165, 页码: 1467+
作者:  Albert, Victor A.;  Barbazuk, W. Bradley;  dePamphilis, Claude W.;  Der, Joshua P.;  Leebens-Mack, James;  Ma, Hong;  Palmer, Jeffrey D.;  Rounsley, Steve;  Sankoff, David;  Schuster, Stephan C.;  Soltis, Douglas E.;  Soltis, Pamela S.;  Wessler, Susan R.;  Wing, Rod A.;  Albert, Victor A.;  Ammiraju, Jetty S. S.;  Barbazuk, W. Bradley;  Chamala, Srikar;  Chanderbali, Andre S.;  dePamphilis, Claude W.;  Der, Joshua P.;  Determann, Ronald;  Leebens-Mack, James;  Ma, Hong;  Ralph, Paula;  Rounsley, Steve;  Schuster, Stephan C.;  Soltis, Douglas E.;  Soltis, Pamela S.;  Talag, Jason;  Tomsho, Lynn;  Walts, Brandon;  Wanke, Stefan;  Wing, Rod A.;  Albert, Victor A.;  Barbazuk, W. Bradley;  Chamala, Srikar;  Chanderbali, Andre S.;  Chang, Tien-Hao;  Determann, Ronald;  Lan, Tianying;  Soltis, Douglas E.;  Soltis, Pamela S.;  Arikit, Siwaret;  Axtell, Michael J.;  Ayyampalayam, Saravanaraj;  Barbazuk, W. Bradley;  Burnette, James M., III;  Chamala, Srikar;  De Paoli, Emanuele;  dePamphilis, Claude W.;  Der, Joshua P.;  Estill, James C.;  Farrell, Nina P.;  Harkess, Alex;  Jiao, Yuannian;  Leebens-Mack, James;  Liu, Kun;  Mei, Wenbin;  Meyers, Blake C.;  Shahid, Saima;  Wafula, Eric;  Walts, Brandon;  Wessler, Susan R.;  Zhai, Jixian;  Zhang, Xiaoyu;  Albert, Victor A.;  Carretero-Paulet, Lorenzo;  dePamphilis, Claude W.;  Der, Joshua P.;  Jiao, Yuannian;  Leebens-Mack, James;  Lyons, Eric;  Sankoff, David;  Tang, Haibao;  Wafula, Eric;  Zheng, Chunfang;  Albert, Victor A.;  Altman, Naomi S.;  Barbazuk, W. Bradley;  Carretero-Paulet, Lorenzo;  dePamphilis, Claude W.;  Der, Joshua P.;  Estill, James C.;  Jiao, Yuannian;  Leebens-Mack, James;  Liu, Kun;  Mei, Wenbin;  Wafula, Eric;  Altman, Naomi S.;  Arikit, Siwaret;  Axtell, Michael J.;  Chamala, Srikar;  Chanderbali, Andre S.;  Chen, Feng;  Chen, Jian-Qun;  Chiang, Vincent;  De Paoli, Emanuele;  dePamphilis, Claude W.;  Der, Joshua P.;  Determann, Ronald;  Fogliani, Bruno;  Guo, Chunce;  Harholt, Jesper;  Harkess, Alex;  Job, Claudette;  Job, Dominique;  Kim, Sangtae;  Kong, Hongzhi;  Leebens-Mack, James;  Li, Guanglin;  Li, Lin;  Liu, Jie;  Ma, Hong;  Meyers, Blake C.;  Park, Jongsun;  Qi, Xinshuai;  Rajjou, Loic;  Burtet-Sarramegna, Valerie;  Sederoff, Ron;  Shahid, Saima;  Soltis, Douglas E.;  Soltis, Pamela S.;  Sun, Ying-Hsuan;  Ulvskov, Peter;  Villegente, Matthieu;  Xue, Jia-Yu;  Yeh, Ting-Feng;  Yu, Xianxian;  Zhai, Jixian;  Acosta, Juan J.;  Albert, Victor A.;  Barbazuk, W. Bradley;  Bruenn, Riva A.;  Chamala, Srikar;  de Kochko, Alexandre;  dePamphilis, Claude W.;  Der, Joshua P.;  Herrera-Estrella, Luis R.;  Ibarra-Laclette, Enrique;  Kirst, Matias;  Leebens-Mack, James;  Pissis, Solon P.;  Poncet, Valerie;  Schuster, Stephan C.;  Soltis, Douglas E.;  Soltis, Pamela S.;  Tomsho, Lynn
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Global Priority Conservation Areas in the Face of 21st Century Climate Change 期刊论文
PLOS ONE, 2013, 卷号: 8, 期号: 1
作者:  Li, Junsheng;  Lin, Xin;  Chen, Anping;  Peterson, Townsend;  Ma, Keping;  Bertzky, Monika;  Ciais, Philippe;  Kapos, Valerie;  Peng, Changhui;  Poulter, Benjamin
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Modeling the land surface water and energy cycles of a mesoscale watershed in the central Tibetan Plateau during summer with a distributed hydrological model 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 2013, 卷号: 118, 期号: 16, 页码: 8857-8868
作者:  Xue, Bao-Lin;  Wang, Lei;  Yang, Kun;  Tian, Lide;  Qin, Jun;  Chen, Yingying;  Zhao, Long;  Ma, Yaoming;  Koike, Toshio;  Hu, Zeyong;  Li, Xiuping
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distributed hydrological model  energy cycle  discharge  land surface temperature  soil water content  Tibetan Plateau  
Carbon fluxes, evapotranspiration, and water use efficiency of terrestrial ecosystems in China 期刊论文
作者:  Xiao, Jingfeng;  Sun, Ge;  Chen, Jiquan;  Chen, Hui;  Chen, Shiping;  Dong, Gang;  Gao, Shenghua;  Guo, Haiqiang;  Guo, Jixun;  Han, Shijie;  Kato, Tomomichi;  Li, Yuelin;  Lin, Guanghui;  Lu, Weizhi;  Ma, Mingguo;  McNulty, Steven;  Shao, Changliang;  Wang, Xufeng;  Xie, Xiao;  Zhang, Xudong;  Zhang, Zhiqiang;  Zhao, Bin;  Zhou, Guangsheng;  Zhou, Jie
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Carbon fluxes  Evapotranspiration  Water use efficiency  Eddy covariance  Carbon sink  Synthesis  
RcRR1, a Rosa canina Type-A Response Regulator Gene, Is Involved in Cytokinin-Modulated Rhizoid Organogenesis 期刊论文
PLOS ONE, 2013, 卷号: 8, 期号: 8
作者:  Gao, Bin;  Fan, Lusheng;  Li, Xingxing;  Yang, Huifang;  Liu, Fengluan;  Wang, Ling;  Xi, Lin;  Ma, Nan;  Zhao, Liangjun
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Spatial variation in community structure of a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest: Implications for sampling design 期刊论文
CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2013, 卷号: 58, 期号: 10, 页码: 1181-1186
作者:  Lin DunMei;  Lai JiangShan;  Mi XiangCheng;  Ren HaiBao;  Ma KePing
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spatial variation  basal area  aboveground biomass  quadrat size  sample size  
Impact of Topography, Annual Burning, and Nitrogen Addition on Soil Microbial Communities in a Semiarid Grassland 期刊论文
SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL, 2013, 卷号: 77, 期号: 4, 页码: 1214-1224
作者:  Zhang, Naili;  Xu, Wenhua;  Yu, Xingjun;  Lin, Dan;  Wan, Shiqiang;  Ma, Keping
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