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The Effect of High-Temperature Stress on the Physiological Indexes, Chloroplast Ultrastructure, and Photosystems of two Herbaceous Peony Cultivars 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION, 2023, 卷号: 42, 期号: 3, 页码: 1631-1646
Authors:  Zhang, Lixia;  Chang, Qingshan;  Hou, Xiaogai;  Wang, Jianzhang;  Chen, Sudan;  Zhang, Qiaoming;  Wang, Zi;  Yin, Yan;  Liu, Jianke
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Heat stress  Paeonia lactiflora  Photosynthesis  Chlorophyll fluorescence  Modulated 820-nm reflection  
Cold-induced calreticulin OsCRT3 conformational changes promote OsCIPK7 binding and temperature sensing in rice 期刊论文
EMBO JOURNAL, 2023, 卷号: 42, 期号: 1
Authors:  Guo, Xiaoyu;  Zhang, Dajian;  Wang, Zhongliang;  Xu, Shujuan;  Batistic, Oliver;  Steinhorst, Leonie;  Li, Hao;  Weng, Yuxiang;  Ren, Dongtao;  Kudla, Jorg;  Xu, Yunyuan;  Chong, Kang
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Calcium signal  Calreticulin  Cold stress  OsCIPK7  OsCRT3  
PtoMPO1, a negative mediator, functions in poplar drought tolerance 期刊论文
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 2022, 卷号: 190, 页码: 156-163
Authors:  Zheng, Min;  Lei, Shikang;  Liu, Yun;  Feng, Dalan;  Huang, Xiaohui;  Yang, Kezhen;  Qian, Jie;  Hsu, Yi-Feng
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AtMHP1  Drought stress  Poplar  PtoMPO1  
OsGLYI3, a glyoxalase gene expressed in rice seed, contributes to seed longevity and salt stress tolerance 期刊论文
Authors:  Liu, Shengjie;  Liu, Wenhua;  Lai, Jianyun;  Liu, Qinjian;  Zhang, Wenhu;  Chen, Zhongjian;  Gao, Jiadong;  Song, Songquan;  Liu, Jun;  Xiao, Yinghui
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Glyoxalase I  Methylglyoxal  Stress tolerance  Seed longevity  Rice(Oryza sativa L  )  
Evolution of the CBL and CIPK gene families in Medicago: genome-wide characterization, pervasive duplication, and expression pattern under salt and drought stress 期刊论文
BMC PLANT BIOLOGY, 2022, 卷号: 22, 期号: 1
Authors:  Zhang, Xiao-Xia;  Ren, Xiao-Long;  Qi, Xiao-Tong;  Yang, Zhi-Min;  Feng, Xiao-Lei;  Zhang, Tian;  Wang, Hui-Jie;  Liang, Peng;  Jiang, Qi-Ying;  Yang, Wen-Jun;  Fu, Yuan;  Chen, Min;  Fu, Zhi-Xi;  Xu, Bo
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Calcineurin B-like protein (CBL)  CBL-interacting protein kinase (CIPK)  Gene family evolution  Duplicate genes  Stress response  Medicago  
A Rice R2R3-Type MYB Transcription Factor OsFLP Positively Regulates Drought Stress Response via OsNAC 期刊论文
Authors:  Qu, Xiaoxiao;  Zou, Junjie;  Wang, Junxue;  Yang, Kezhen;  Wang, Xiaoqin;  Le, Jie
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OsFLP  OsNAC  rice  stomata closure  drought tolerance  
Great granny still ruling from the grave: Phenotypical response of plant performance and seed functional traits to salt stress affects multiple generations of a halophyte 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 2022, 卷号: 110, 期号: 1, 页码: 117-128
Authors:  Wang, Zhaoren;  Baskin, Jerry M.;  Baskin, Carol C.;  Yang, Xuejun;  Liu, Guofang;  Ye, Xuehua;  Huang, Zhenying;  Cornelissen, Johannes H. C.
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adaptation  diaspore heteromorphism  environmental maternal effect  plant life-history traits  reproductive ecology  salinity stress  transgenerational plasticity  
Transcriptomic analysis reveals the role of FOUR LIPS in response to salt stress in rice 期刊论文
PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 2022, 卷号: 110, 期号: 1-2, 页码: 37-52
Authors:  Zhang, Chunxia;  Zhang, Jie;  Liu, Huichao;  Qu, Xiaoxiao;  Wang, Junxue;  He, Qixiumei;  Zou, Junjie;  Yang, Kezhen;  Le, Jie
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RNA-seq  ChIP-seq  OsFLP  OsCDKB1  1  Rice  Salt stress  
Overexpression of grape ABA receptor gene VaPYL4 enhances tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses in Arabidopsis 期刊论文
BMC PLANT BIOLOGY, 2022, 卷号: 22, 期号: 1
Authors:  Ren, Chong;  Kuang, Yangfu;  Lin, Yanping;  Guo, Yuchen;  Li, Huayang;  Fan, Peige;  Li, Shaohua;  Liang, Zhenchang
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Abscisic acid  Vitis amurensis  VaPYL4  Overexpression  Abiotic stress  
Rice CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED 1 transcriptionally regulates ABA signaling to confer multiple abiotic stress tolerance 期刊论文
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 2022, 卷号: 190, 期号: 2, 页码: 1057-1073
Authors:  Wei, Hua;  Xu, Hang;  Su, Chen;  Wang, Xiling;  Wang, Lei
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